St. Gertraud 114 | I-39016 Ultimo Valley Schatten +39 0473 798 117

What the chef says

An Italian landed on an organic farm

In order to preserve the natural taste of the individual ingredients, I always cook fresh and do not use any additives. In this way, I do not change the taste of the product, but just refine it.

Three more ingredients are an integral part of my regional gourmet cuisine: freshness, sustainability and regionality. I put great focus on the origin of the products I use. The milk comes from our organic farm, other dairy products originate from small dairy shops in the country, eggs from the neighbouring farm, and vegetables and herbs are freshly picked in our own garden.

Another big passion of mine is the family farm. I love to spend a lot of time with the animals. Even that much time that Ulli sometimes says I spend more time in the stables than in the kitchen – and maybe she is even right. I love animals, and therefore put great attention on where to buy meat. I buy high-quality meat, whenever possible directly from hunters, from regional farmers, or from our own farm.